Are you a thought leader?

What Is Thought Leadership & Do You Have It In You To Become One?
*|IF:FNAME|* , *|ELSE:|* Hi, *|END:IF|*
Over the past few weeks I've been talking to more and more entrepreneurs and founders through workshops and presentations that I've been asked to give and what has struck me is the sheer number of people attending sessions.
It seems that the pandemic has given birth to a whole new set of entrepreneurs many of whom are leaving jobs that they'd been working at for years in order to do something that they truly believe in.
The passion is evident and what has helped this new batch of entrepreneurs is the growth in online courses and knowledge that is now available but also the fact that tech is now accessible.
Many of the entrepreneurs I meet have embraced low-code / no-code, platforms such as Bubble to build web applications that can quickly get them to market and test out their idea. For those that aren't tech savvy, tools like Bubble are great because they are just drag and drop, you don't need to learn how to code in order to build something simple and the costs for hosting the app are affordable.
If you'd like to learn more about how you can get a MVP up and running quickly without paying lots then get in touch.
What is a thought leader?
I've always been intrigued by the notion of thought leadership, I've always wondered if every entrepreneur is in some shape or form a thought leader because they are actively looking to shape the world around them.
I therefore seized the opportunity to talk to Christopher Fox from Syncresis a company that specializes in helping business leaders become thought leaders.
It turns out that in order to be a thought leader, you need to do more than give the odd presentation!
In this podcast Christopher and I talk about:
What is meant by thought leadership
What it takes to become a thought leader
How you know if you have truly become one or not
What the point of becoming one is
How you can start reshaping the way you communicate in order to be seen as a thought leader
I hope you enjoy this podcast and as ever, please reach out to us if there is anything we can help you with.
Kind regards
Bhairav Patel
Managing Director
Atom CTO