Are you prepared for the changes to third party cookies?

How Do You Differentiate Your Digital Marketing Strategy In A Way That Gets You Results?
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Are you ready for a world without cookies?
Well, not all cookies.
Some months ago there was an announcement by Google that they would stop supporting 3rd party cookies (those digital files that store information so that marketers can target you better).
This means that Chrome and Chromium based browsers will no longer support 3rd party cookies.
All is not lost, first party cookies are still valid and there are other alternatives to help companies target the right customers.
The demise of 3rd party cookies is one of the topics I raise with this week's podcast guest: Udayan Bose.
Udayan is the founder of NetElixir a company he started way back in 2004 that helps businesses grow through digital sales using intelligent insights and proven digital marketing strategies.
This conversation is great for those of you that are thinking about spending on digital marketing and in this podcast we talk about:
What you need to think about before you start a digital marketing campaign
What a good campaign looks like
How you devise and execute your digital marketing plan
Measuring success
How companies can adapt to a world without 3rd party cookies
Importantly we also talk about the changes being introduced to third party cookies and how this will now shape and inform your digital marketing strategy – will it all force us to become more focused on how we communicate and interact with our customers? We hope so.
As ever, if you are in need of help with anything technical then please do reach out to us at to book a free consultation.
Bhairav Patel
Managing Director
Atom CTO