Bits, Bytes & Business - The Atom CTO Perspective
Atom CTO Podcasts
Mark Zurich: Navigating the Business-Tech Divide: Insights from a Veteran CTO

Mark Zurich: Navigating the Business-Tech Divide: Insights from a Veteran CTO

On this episode of The Atom CTO Podcast, we explore the remarkable career of a tech stalwart, Mark Zurich of Fair Meadow Technologies. Holding an illustrious career spanning 35 years, Mark sheds light on technology’s transformational role in shaping business landscapes. His expertise comes from a wealth of knowledge and experience, having led tech teams at esteemed companies like General Electric, Nokia, and BlackBerry.

Mark’s educational grounding in engineering coupled with his interest in coding amalgamate to shape his unique tech industry perspective. Throughout his career he’s grown through many roles, from evening shifts in computer labs to spearheading major projects at giant companies, and leading large globally distributed teams. An undeniably valuable take is his success with large projects, such as BlackBerry Messenger, that denotes his in-depth industry knowledge and pragmatic leadership skills.

Bits, Bytes & Business - The Atom CTO Perspective
Atom CTO Podcasts
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