Bits, Bytes & Business - The Atom CTO Perspective
Atom CTO Podcasts
Ben Kane: Nearshoring in Bulgaria with TechPods

Ben Kane: Nearshoring in Bulgaria with TechPods

In this week's podcast I'm talking with a local Bulgarian celebrity, Benjamin Kane. Ben is a Sunderland native that moved to Bulgaria in 2007 and has recently started TechPods which helps business find top tech talent in Bulgaria In this podcast we talk about nearshoring in Bulgaria, how TechPods helps businesses scale their tech team, what to expect when engaging Ben and his team, the differences in working culture and what it's like to be a TV football pundit To learn more about TechPods, visit their website:

Bits, Bytes & Business - The Atom CTO Perspective
Atom CTO Podcasts
A weekly round-up of tech news we feel we want to share with the world along with our latest podcasts and other practical tips for budding entrepreneurs