Bits, Bytes & Business - The Atom CTO Perspective
Atom CTO Podcasts
Implementing OKRs in your business with Stellafai

Implementing OKRs in your business with Stellafai

In this podcast we talk with Bella Bardswell and Tim Beattie the co-founders of Stellafai: The team talks about all things OKRs: - What are OKRs - Why should organisations embrace them - What type of company should implement OKRs - What are the challenges when implementing them - What benefits do they bring compared to other ways of measuring performance and objectives In addition to all of this we discuss their own entrepreneur journey as both Bella and Tim left tier 1 employers to start their own business

Bits, Bytes & Business - The Atom CTO Perspective
Atom CTO Podcasts
A weekly round-up of tech news we feel we want to share with the world along with our latest podcasts and other practical tips for budding entrepreneurs