Bits, Bytes & Business - The Atom CTO Perspective
Atom CTO Podcasts
Nigel Davey: Marketing Advice for SMEs with SME Needs

Nigel Davey: Marketing Advice for SMEs with SME Needs

In this week's podcast we are talking with Nigel Davey from SME Needs, a company that helps businesses with their strategic marketing needs. In this podcast we talk about the crucial things businesses must do in order to be effective with their overall marketing, the different strategies that can be adopted and what effective marketing really looks like and how to find the right marketing partner This is a must listen for those of you that are looking to make changes to your current marketing strategy and want to understand where to start

Bits, Bytes & Business - The Atom CTO Perspective
Atom CTO Podcasts
A weekly round-up of tech news we feel we want to share with the world along with our latest podcasts and other practical tips for budding entrepreneurs