Bits, Bytes & Business - The Atom CTO Perspective
Atom CTO Podcasts
Peter Rooney: Starting a Business in Canada

Peter Rooney: Starting a Business in Canada

In this week's podcast we talk with Peter Rooney the Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) of Canadian Payroll Services, a Professional Employer Organization focused on connecting Canadian Talent with global business. He works closely with clients to develop end-to-end workforce solutions, influencing Canadian Payroll Services' growth in revenue, market share and profitability through building long-lasting relationships. Over the years, Peter has accumulated over 2 decades of experience in senior management and C-level leadership for global companies in the technology, loyalty and travel sectors. From being a CEO, Co-founder, President and Vice President of five companies, Peter has developed outstanding leadership and management skills. To read more about CPS and how they can help you set up in Canada follow this link:

Bits, Bytes & Business - The Atom CTO Perspective
Atom CTO Podcasts
A weekly round-up of tech news we feel we want to share with the world along with our latest podcasts and other practical tips for budding entrepreneurs