Bits, Bytes & Business - The Atom CTO Perspective
Atom CTO Podcasts
Tobias Günther: From consulting to software vendor, German entrepreneurship with Fournova

Tobias Günther: From consulting to software vendor, German entrepreneurship with Fournova

We decided to give Bhairav a break for this episode so there is a new voice behind the mic, I (Sam) talk to Tobias Günther, a native Stuttgarter, entrepreneur, soup chef and the CEO of Fournova, the creators of Git Tower, It's a bit of a monster podcast as we cover: - Switching gears from running a software consultancy to creating a software product - Effectively running a remote team - Starting a business in Germany compared to the U.K. - The startup scene in Stuttgart - Inviting entrepreneurs over for soup Fournova are currently running a public beta for their up and coming release of Git Tower which you can apply for access, for free, here And whilst you're at it, check out

Bits, Bytes & Business - The Atom CTO Perspective
Atom CTO Podcasts
A weekly round-up of tech news we feel we want to share with the world along with our latest podcasts and other practical tips for budding entrepreneurs